Đặt câu với từ "porridge|porridges"

1. I hate lumpy porridge.

2. Bul Nak porridge?

3. The name is Bul Nak porridge.

4. She was feeding the baby with porridge.

5. I ordered abalone porridge for lunch.

6. Fancy my porridge à la walnuts?

7. The child has eaten three platefuls of porridge!

8. Now, listen! Rice, noodle, porridge, water and tea.

9. CEO, I bought an expensive abalone porridge.

10. Someone's been and eaten my porridge!

11. Margaret fed me porridge oats dusty with salt.

12. When things were bad, we had porridge.

13. Spleen to aid digestion, porridge Tim Hawthorn.

14. Brei translate: porridge, baby food, puree, mush

15. I put the poison in the porridge.

16. Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter.

17. 'Che Lam' - A taste of Vietnamese sweetened porridge

18. 12 Yin lungs and good, porridge plus Tremella.

19. Don't scald your lips in another man's porridge.

20. 12 Common yam rhizome porridge short breath and weak physique.

21. 11 Keep your breath to cool your porridge

22. Common yam rhizome porridge short breath and weak physique.

23. Keep your breath to cool your porridge

24. 5 She was feeding the baby with porridge.

25. Is/Are porridge oats on the breakfast menu?

26. Fried chicken – "Cockerel's Solo", cabbage and cucumber salad – "Vegetable Prelude", schnitzel – "Royal Meal", meat in a jug – "Village Paradise", pumpkin porridge – "King Arthur's Golden Porridge".

27. Your other Gran says porridge is good for your health.

28. Goldilocks had to choose which bowl of porridge to eat.

29. Braising meat is the perfect porridge for pandemic cooking

30. Otherwise you'd flood your entire town with warm porridge.

31. Common cold has abdominal pain, ginger play do porridge.

32. Reply: "But my friend Angus likes sugar with his porridge."

33. If there's one thing that disgusts me it's cold porridge.

34. It's not the lumpy porridge and the greasy eggs you're thinking about.

35. There was a soggy mess of porridge on the table.

36. They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils.

37. We sift out the grain to make porridge for the children.

38. 2 Goldilocks had to choose which bowl of porridge to eat.

39. I'll pass on the fried potato crisp, but take the porridge.

40. I would like abalone porridge, with grilled green tea mountain roots.

41. Their room was bare of furniture and they lived off porridge.

42. I can't quite give up the huckster, because of the porridge!

43. 2 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils.

44. Will you try a little porridge with some honey, Dorothy, my dear?

45. He likes to have fresh papaya, porridge, ham and eggs and coffee.

46. Brei m ( genitive Breies or Breis, plural Breie ) mash; mush; porridge; any semisolid food

47. One day when their porridge was too hot, they took a walk.

48. They put down their porridge spoons and stood up, politely and meekly.

49. What does Burgoo mean? Any of several thick stews, originally an oatmeal porridge

50. "Ultimately, yes, a cook can prepare a porridge from medium or Coarsely ground corn

51. Their digestive organs were so completely destroyed, we couldn't give them good food, only porridge."

52. 14 Goldilocks like liked her porridge not too hot and not too cold.

53. A shepherdess found and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice.

54. Breakfast in Vietnam – usually consists of some meaty treat dropped in a semolina/porridge mixture.

55. I don't care about what you think; save your breath to cool your porridge!

56. The big bowl of porridge had a Crisscrossing of powdered cinnamon over the top

57. Leite azedo com pirão de milho (), a Huíla specialty, sour milk with maize porridge.

58. Cook the beans, stirring continuously, until they are heated through and look like thick porridge.

59. Seeds of the grass are used to make beer in South Africa and porridge in Namibia.

60. 3 Inside, Goldilocks discovered three bowls of porridge on the table and realized she was hungry.

61. Delicious gluten free, organic, instant and Alkalising morning porridge Made with Buckwheat, millet, amaranth, fruits, nuts and seeds

62. A man's tongue is his sward. He who stirs another's porridge often burn his own.

63. If you said to the pot, "Boil, little pot, boil," it would fill up with sweet porridge.

64. As he has a bad cold,he has put on nothing but a bowl of porridge.

65. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch --porridge made with beans and rice.

66. Mixed protein dishes include cheese sandwiches, beans on toast and porridge that is made with milk.

67. This is followed however by pitta bread, a cheese sandwich, crisps and a midnight bowl of porridge.

68. Do you get less sweet porridge if you invest in shade-grown coffee instead of drinking it?

69. The infant spat out its porridge,(Sentencedict.com) and even without teeth enjoyed chewing on a piece of bread.

70. In the kitchen, Jonathon and Victoria, ruddy and brilliant with cold water, sat before untasted bowls of porridge.

71. The pudding consists mainly of sweetened and cooled rice porridge mixed with whipped cream, vanilla and chopped almonds.

72. For breakfast the family eats a thin maize porridge made from dried milk, prepared over an open fire.

73. Bota is a thinner porridge, cooked without the additional cornmeal and usually flavoured with peanut butter, milk, butter, or jam.

74. They persuaded their father to let them use it to eat their porridge and this became a habit with them.

75. 13 The finished dough should be tacky but not sticky, lightly golden, stretchy and elastic rather than porridge like.

76. For example, most people will have porridge in the morning, however they will still have 10 o'clock tea (midday tea).

77. 15 For breakfast the family eats a thin maize porridge made from dried milk, prepared over an open fire.

78. Paella, Arancini, pudding, porridge, Minestrone, Risotto, and its types are known examples in which Arborio rice is the main ingredient

79. Atmit, a vitamin-fortified porridge that has proven effective in saving the lives of starving children and the elderly, was provided.

80. Burgoo is the name of a thick soup or stew from the American South and, historically, of a thick porridge served aboard ships